How to Determine If Your Vehicle Is Totaled
Getting into a car accident is a stressful experience, and assessing the damage to your vehicle can be a crucial step in the aftermath. One of the key questions that often arise is whether the car is considered totaled. Here are the factors and what steps you should take in such a situation.
Role of Insurance in Auto Body Repair
Bozeman traffic has increased significantly in the last few years and auto accidents can happen to anyone. Your vehicle suffers the damage, but you also have to deal with the auto insurance claim. Check out this article to explore the vital role that insurance plays in the world of auto body repair.
After Hours Service | Drop Box at Bozeman Office
We now have a key drop box right outside our office to better help serve customers after hours. Customers can drop off a vehicle in our lot and put the keys in the box OR customers can also pick up their vehicle and we'll let them know the combo to 1 of the 4 inside boxes.
Auto Repair Delays | Bozeman Montana
Auto repairs in Bozeman, Montana continue to be booked out months due to a variety of reasons. At Revive Auto Body & Paint we continue to try and turn around vehicles as fast as we can, but there are a few reasons why auto repairs continue to be taking longer.
What To Do If You Hit A Parked Car
There are a number of reasons why you might hit a parked car. A parking lot could be extra full or a side street is getting narrow because of other parked cars, but if you have an accident and hit another car then follow these steps.
What Is Black Ice and How Does It Form?
Traffic accidents have been on the rise in Gallatin County and Bozeman, Montana. Winter driving is more difficult and the ability to understand conditions which increase the risk of driving will aide you as you traverse the roads. Black ice is one of most treacherous conditions and understanding how it forms will help.
Protect Your Car Paint During the Winter
The winter season is harsh for everyone, but it’s also hard on our cars. Rain, snow and ice all present their own challenges. The use of salt on some roads in Montana to deice the highways significantly increases the corrosive effect that winter moisture has on vehicles.
What Auto Body Shops Do and Don't Do
Whether you have a dent in the side of your car from a rogue shopping cart or you got into an accident with another driver, you understandably want your vehicle fixed quickly and fixed right. Revive Auto Body & Paint in Bozeman, Montana does a lot, but there are some things we don’t do like full auto painting.
Bozeman Traffic | Watch Out For Aggressive Drivers
As Bozeman continues to grow over 50,000 people this also relates to more and more traffic. Increased traffic starts to wear on people and some become more aggressive drivers which increases the likelihood of a traffic accident.
Is Hail Damage Covered by Car Insurance?
We always need the moisture to help things grow and stay green through the summer heat, but sometimes the rainstorm comes with something we do not want...HAIL. Revive Auto Body & Paint can repair any hail damage to your car, but we are also happy to help you with handling your insurance claims.
Bozeman First Snow | 5 Things To Do To Get Your Car Ready For Winter
Is your car ready for Montana winter driving? Check out this list of 5 things to do to get your car ready for winter. Getting stranded or having an accident in the summer is one thing, but at least you don't have to worry about the cold. Take the time to prepare as you travel in Montana during the winter.
Bozeman Roundabouts | A Look at 4 of the Intersections
Roundabouts decrease the amount of time vehicles spend waiting to cross an intersection, but since they are still relatively new in Montana they do bring about some frustration. We take a look at 4 of the roundabouts in Bozeman, MT.
How to Handle an Accident | 6 Things To Do After An Accident
Having an auto accident is scary, stressful, emotional, and more. It's important to try to stay calm and focused. Montana doesn't have as many accidents as larger population states, but we still see our share of fender benders and animal hits whether it be in town or on the highway. Keep these steps in mind.
Top 5 Montana Winter Driving Tips
Here's our top 5 Montana winter driving tips. Winter in Montana brings along a number of snow storms which can be difficult to drive during them, but also creates ice which can last for weeks as the temperatures stay below freezing. Slow down and check the weather ahead of time.
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