How to Handle an Accident | 6 Things To Do After An Accident

How to Handle an Accident | 6 Things To Do After An Accident

Published: March 19, 2021
Author: Revive Auto Body & Paint
Category Tags: Auto Tips

Having an auto accident is scary, stressful, emotional, and more. It's important to try to stay calm and focused. Montana doesn't have as many accidents as larger population states, but we still see our share of fender benders and animal hits whether it be in town or on the highway. Keep these steps in mind. 

What to do After a Car Accident?

1. Are You Ok?

First thing first is to take care of yourself and anyone else riding in your car. Check for injuries and if there is any doubt then immediately call 911. There is a wide range of types of accidents and if things are serious then help needs to be on the way. If you were involved in a slow moving fender bender with another vehicle then you can simply call the police. Some places like the Bozeman police department have specific traffic incident commanders to help collect all the information. A police report can be invaluable to the insurance claim process and help establish who's at fault. 

2. Safety

Where your accident occurs can really dictate what additional steps need to be taken to add safety to the location. You should immediately turn on your hazard lights to start bringing awareness to other drivers who may be in the vicinity. If the car accident is very minor, then move vehicles out of traffic to a safe place. If you have them, then any additional cones or warning triangles can be put out for added safety around the area. If the accident occurs within heavy traffic then be very cautious when getting our of your vehicle.

3. Collect Information

This is where things can vary even more depending on where your accident occurred and if multiple vehicles are involved or if the damaged vehicle is only your own. If the accident involves multiple vehicles then the police should be called to help document the occurence which will speed up the insurance claim process. You will need to exchange information with the other driver which includes: names of all involved, driver's license, vehicle description, insurance companies, and policy numbers. It's always a good idea to record all information yourself even if the police are on the scene. If your smart phone is available then it can be easier just to quickly take photographs of everything you need to collect your own information. 

4. Determine Transportation For Your Vehicle

In the case for minor accidents, your vehicle may still be drivable and after collecting all the needed information then you can head on home. If your vehicle sustained enough damage then you may have to make arrangements with a towing company to move your vehicle to a final destination. If you do need a tow then you should immediately start on the next couple of steps so your vehicle only needs to be moved once.

5. Contact Your Insurance Agent

You pay insurance premiums for a reason and your insurance agent should be ready to help you through the claim process. Your insurance agent can make recommendations for a towing company and repair shop, but always keep in mind the choice is ultimately yours. Call your friends to look for referrals or start your own research to find well established companies ready to help you get your vehicle back in shape as soon as possible.

6. Call Your Local AutoBody Shop For a Repair Estimate

Repair estimates are routinely offered for free by local autobody shops near you to get an idea of how much it will be to restore your vehicle to new condition. Be sure to ask how long they expect the repair to take as the timeline may help you in your decision. The autbody repair shops normally do need some very detailed pictures or even to see the vehicle to provide a proper estimate.

If you have a vehicle accident in Montana and need a car repair then feel free to give us a call at Revive Auto Body & Paint in Bozeman, MT to give you a free estimate and timely communication to Revive Your Ride.

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